An interview with Vegan Foodies. May 8th, 2015.

Blogger Interviews

The Kind Cook was privileged to partner with “Sweet William Chocolate” earlier this year. I worked with them on a Giveaway for one of my lucky followers. I also thoroughly enjoyed doing some recipe development with one of their products for them. The result was my Pinwheel Scones with Coconut, Raspberry and White Chocolate.

Pinwheel Scones with Coconut, Raspberry & White Chocolate

Pinwheel Scones2wm


GRAM Magazine have featured 2 recipes by The Kind Cook again. This time in their 47th Issue.

GRAM is a colourful, contemporary magazine all about food & is distributed by the thousands throughout cafes, clubs & pubs in Melbourne each month for their customers to read.

Keep your eye out for this cover or read the digital version online

Gram February 2014

In December 2014, Fry’s Family Foods and Animals Australia collaborated and published an ebook called Food Made Good, Recipes for a Kinder World,  which included 2 Kind Cook recipes.


In December 2014 Edgar’s Mission created an ebook around recipes by The Kind Cook, called Edgar’s Mission Guide to a Kind Christmas. which was published on their website and social media pages.

Edgars Mission Cookbook.

4 new mango recipes featured in the November/December edition of Nourish Magazine.

mangoes nourish

4 new beetroot recipes featured in the September/October edition of Nourish Magazine.

beetroot nourish