Avocado, Pomegranate & Lime Bruschetta

Avocado and Pomagrantate on Rye 2 wm


Avocado, Pomegranate & Lime Bruschetta


½ cup of water

2 cloves of garlic, peeled

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Pinch of rock salt

1 teaspoon fresh lime juice

1 large avocado peeled and cut into a rough dice

4 slices of rye sourdough

handful of washed, crisp baby rocket

¼ cup of pomegranate seeds

cracked black pepper to taste



Heat the water in a small pan. Add the garlic and gently simmer for a few minutes. Discard the water and crush the garlic.

Put the crushed garlic, olive oil, salt and lime juice into a bowl and mix till they are well combined.

Stir the avocado through the oil mixture and check the seasoning

Cook the toast and top with the avocado. Garnish with the rocket and pomegranate seeds and finish with a generous amount of cracked black pepper over the top.


Yields: You decide.

Time: 10-15 minutes

Notes: There are not many components to this simple dish, so good quality ingredients such as a good olive oil, rock salt, fresh garlic and lime juice and crisp washed baby rocket all make a difference.

I usually take the time to cook garlic for a few minutes for recipes like this. It removes that harsh astringent taste raw garlic can have.

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