Chocolate Fudge Cake w/ Rich Coconut Cream Ganache


1 cup of plain flour

¼ cup of cocoa

1 cup of sugar

1 teaspoon of baking soda

1 teaspoon of baking powder

½ teaspoon of salt

1/3 cup of oil (I used rice bran oil)

1 cup of rice milk



Preheat your oven to 180%.

Carefully line a cake tin with baking paper. This is a really important step because it always sticks as it is such a wet fudgy consistency.

Sift all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and stir to combine. Whisk all the wet ingredients together. Put the dry ingredients into the wet and gently fold them through until well combined.

Pop in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes. The time will vary depending on your oven. You are looking for a cake where the top is not wobbly, the sides have come away from the edge of the cake tin and a bamboo skewer comes out clean. Once cooked, remove and allow to cool.



2/3 cups of coconut cream

120 grams of icing sugar

½ cup of cocoa

150 grams of Lindt dark chocolate. Must be at least 70% cocoa




Make your icing once your cake is almost cooled, out of its tin and on a serving plate.

Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl.

Melt the chocolate. While the chocolate is melting put the coconut cream into a small pot and gently heat. You don’t want to boil it. You just want to bring it up to a nice warm temperature. Once the chocolate is melted quickly whisk it into the warm coconut cream until well combined.

Add the dry ingredients into the chocolate mixture and whisk until well combined and scrape out onto the cake. Distribute evenly. There is PLENTY so it will be lovely and thick.

Top with your favourite berries and serve.



Servings:  Enough for 8 good slices

Time: Takes about an hour plus allow cooling time.

Freeze: N/A

Notes:  I find this much easier to slice if you make and ice it the day before and refrigerate it over night. Just make sure you pull it out a couple of hours before you serve it so the ganache is nice and soft.

Topping with berries is really recommended because this is such a rich, sweet cake so the bitterness from the berries provides a lovely balance.

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