Taste for Life Animals Australia Cookbook

I was thrilled to be invited last year by Animals Australia to submit recipes for consideration for their cookbook – Taste for Life. I was even more thrilled when they selected 5 of those recipes to be included and am so excited to now see it in it’s completion.

This incredible initiative can now be purchased here: http://animalsaustralia.org/taste-for-life-cookbook/?ua_s=facebook


Taste for Life

Australian Vegans Magazine

A new vegan magazine, titled Australian Vegans is going to be released this year and I was thrilled to be asked to contribute a recipe for it’s very first publication. I’ts about to hit the “stands” so watch this space.

Australian Vegans

The Kind Cook’s recipes are featured in this booklet by Paul Mahoney at Terrastendo. Paul even generously chose to feature one of my recipes and my food photography on the cover.

To read the booklet simply visit: http://tinyurl.com/zx6e9eg.

Low Emissions Diet

I am equally proud and humbled to be featured in Kathy Divine’ new book “Everyday Vegans”.  And I love that it encompasses such a diverse cross section of people: truck drivers, models, actors, photographers, aids researchers, virologists, teachers, rappers, dancers, public servants, administrators, authors, managers, nurses, retailers, accountants, biologists, psychologists, writers, journalists, bloggers, lawyers, hospitality workers, illustrators, software developers, activists, vets, business owners, students, CEO’s, electricians, chefs, mums, dads, kids, families…

I hear the book has already been a sellout, which is wonderful news as all profits are going to Juliana’s Animal Sanctuary. It’s such a great read so grab yourself a copy & save a life.

everyday vegans

A very personal interview I did recently with the lovely folks over at balancedbabes.com

When approached by the Editor to talk about “balance”, my initial reaction was to decline the interview…instead I decided to embrace the opportunity and be completely honest in my answers.

It feels confronting to be so open about our pain in such a public arena, but I am hoping my vulnerability on this occasion, by sharing my story……. that it helps others to understand that they are not alone.

A reminder to all of you, that even those that appear like they have it all together…. are also trying to work it out…each and every day.




My friends at Edgar’s Mission asked The Kind Cook to contribute recipes to include in their new ebook, all about lambs and I couldn’t imagine a more worthy cause.

To get your free copy and to take Edgar’s Mission “Lamb Free Pledge”, simply follow the link below:


Pictured below is my lamb free Harira Soup Recipe. Also pictured is Lochy who sadly didn’t make it despite all the love & care a little lamb could hope to receive. With the power of kindness though, there are so many heart warming lamb stories & happy endings for lambs like Lochy taking place at Edgars too.



Featured in South Africa’s August 2015 Edition as their “Blogger of the Month”. Was a great opportunity to talk about vegan food.


Some exciting projects bubbling along in the background at the moment. The Kind Cook featuring in magazines, booklets on climate change and a coffee table book! I will let you all know about them over the coming weeks and months 🙂
